8th April '15

Watch latest shortfilm Mister, a Man from Nowhere hommage:




12th July '13

Our newest project is called Tribal Ties. We have just released the teaser. Shot in summer 2012, we had a chance to work together with Eskindir Tesfay and Max Huang on a really cool collaboration. The result is an anime-style action shortfilm featuring 7 min. of fighting.
Coming this August!


15th June '12

SWAG is online!! Check it out, spread it!


27th December '11

Teaser for our upcoming shortfilm SWAG is online! Find it here!

7th December '11

Our newest shortfilm 'Swag' is still in the making, there will be a teaser coming soon! For now, here is a tiny sneak peak!


10th February '11

Shadow Plant has been available for a while on Youtube! In case you haven't seen it, check it out now!
 Be sure to watch the old school fight!


2nd November 10

We didn't post any news about this before, but earlier this year we worked on a music video for a small German Band called Morning Boy. For their newest album Trippin' Children we choreographed, directed and edited the action as well as starred in it! The result is finally released so please watch it here!


4th July 10

Our latest installment, Half Moon! It's a fragment of a feature which was originally planned to be longer.
These scenes were shot in 2008! Werewolf madness and 2 on 1 fight, enjoy! :)

19th January 10

Photos are up for Hide's and Fuku's profiles!
We are currently working on a new shortfilm. Nope, not Shadowplant...


2nd November 09

We went and shot our Shaolin kung fu forms late this summer, here is an edit from Hide of all that! :)
Some forms are unfinished and sloppy, we couldn't manage to wrap up properly...

Forms include (with varying Wushu/show elements):

Broadsword (also one-handed)
Shaolin Quan
Tang Lang
Nan Quan
Pao Quan
Di Tang
3-section staff
9 ring sword

beside other fun and nonsense bits
Please watch on youtube in bigger window (double-click vid) and enjoy! :>

12th June 09

Holy hell, what's all this? Yeah, new site omg!! Long overdue, the old one was crappy and bug-infested. But this is not the only thing we worked on hehe...
We give you our latest trailer for our upcoming film: Shadow Plant
Download the high resolution file > HERE < (right click -> save)
Or see it here:



7th November 08

Hey guys, we were invited to be part of a little student film that fellow kung fu students put together for their uni project. Our interview was MUCH longer originally, just a few bits made it into the final product. Anyway, check it out:

12th September 08

Hey, check out this little tribute video by Shaun, an obviously  big fan of our stuff! :) Thanks, mate! We enjoyed it a whole lot!